How To TRIPLE The Effectiveness Of Your Peptides

Yes, I'm serious

What if I told you there was a way to take your peptides…and 3X their effectiveness (at minimum)?

Sound like something you might be interested in?

What if I then told you that this would require zero adjustment to your current protocols?

It wouldn’t require you to change vendors, and it wouldn’t require you to add anything to the peptides you’re currently using.

Same peptides.

Same strategy.

3 TIMES the results.

Are you ready for it?


Yes, I know that’s NOT the answer you probably wanted to hear.

And yes, I’m aware that I’ve talked about this before MANY times.

If you’ll recall my “Holy Trinity of Optimization”, you’ll remember that hormonal optimization was one rung below peptide use.

But I don’t think I’ve ever actually explained WHY this is the case.

So here it is…

Most of us have spent our whole lives indoctrinated into the allopathic medical model.

Part of that means viewing EVERYTHING that goes into our body from the same lens that we view drugs.

Now, we all know the problem with pharmaceuticals:

❌ They’re toxic

❌ They wreak havoc on the body

❌ And the worst part is that they’re not even terribly effective at doing anything besides masking symptoms

But the one thing they have going for them is consistency.

Yes, there’s variation when it comes to whether or not you’re a responder…

But the people who do respond to a certain drug tend to respond pretty similarly.

Or at the very least, the scale of their response happens within a pretty narrow range.

Peptides are different.

Rather than work ON your body, they work WITH your body.

They work in conjunction with your existing biochemical and hormonal landscape.

It’s a synergistic effect.

And because of the synergistic effect, the response they produce can be WILDLY different.

A peptide that produces only minimal results for one person can produce ASTRONOMICAL results for another.

The common denominator?

You - and how well your hormonal system is firing.

That’s why not a week goes by where Jay Campbell and I don’t get a comment from someone saying that such-and-such peptide “didn’t work for them”.

But what they’re failing to realize is that it’s not that one particular peptide that’s not doing it for them - it’s ALL the peptides.

And it’s ALL because they failed to optimize their hormones and take care of their baseline health.

Now, to be fair, there are a few peptides out there which seem to work gangbusters regardless of your hormonal health.

That’s why obese people can take tirzepatide and still manage to squash their appetite.

Or why almost everyone can get good results using BPC-157 to treat an injury.

But once you get beyond the basics, you really have to have this dialed in if you want to get anything substantial out of peptides. 

Look, I’m a realist.

I know that there are some of you guys who just can’t help yourself when it comes to “skipping steps”.

I also know there are some of you out there who are still on the fence about making a commitment to hormonal optimization.

And if that’s you, then I’d strongly urge you to check out the Fully Optimized Health Community.

And not just because it’ll help you get hooked up with a quality hormone doctor (although that alone is worth the price of admission).

But because once you're inside, you’ll see countless people who used to be just like you…

And who finally made the leap.

And once you see the kind of results THEY get from THEIR peptides, it won’t even be a question in your mind anymore.


Hunter Williams