Truth Vs. Fiction Across Internet Land

The missing piece in your optimization journey

One of the things my friends and I love to do is talk about disinformation on the internet.

Countless influencers parrot incessant nonsense day after day, month after month, year after year.

Unfortunately, most people lack the discernment to separate fact from fiction.

They’re seduced by all the expert-sounding language and the thin veneer of “science” that your favorite guru expertly uses.

As sad as it is to see, I do think this is actually quite revealing…

Because it shows just how badly people want - and NEED - a mentor.

Whether you want to admit it or not, that’s exactly what you’re looking for here when you tune into these YouTube channels or podcasts.

Someone who can guide you through the absolute minefield that the health and optimization space has become.

There’s simply too much nonsense for the average person to sift through on their own.

I know that was the case for me.

Back before I met my mentor Jay Campbell, I was a MESS.

You probably wouldn’t have known it just from looking at me.

I looked great, competed in physique competitions, and somehow managed to work a grueling schedule successfully selling real estate. 

But deep down I was BROKEN.

❌ I felt terrible

❌ I had zero energy

❌ I was borderline depressed

All of this despite the fact that I was “doing everything right”.

I was eating clean, I was lifting, I was sleeping enough…

So why the heck was I feeling like a wet rag? 🤷‍♂️

Meeting Jay changed all of that.

He was VERY quickly able to figure out exactly what my problem was (in my case, a BRUTAL testosterone deficiency).

And within a few short weeks, we were able to get the problem solved.

Now, before you say it, I know exactly what your objection is going to be…

You’re going to point out (correctly) that I was young.

I was lucky enough to link up with Jay in my 20s…

But for you, it’s too little too late.


I’ll let you in on a little secret…

Most of the people that I take on in my private coaching are NOT 25-year-olds.

Far from it.

They’re men and women in their 40s, 50s and beyond.

Same goes for the people in the Fully Optimized Health Community, the group I help run with Jay.

And guess what?

They’re ALL making tremendous progress.

Regardless of how old you are (or how old you think you are), it is absolutely possible to:

✅ Optimize your hormones and fix your deficiencies

✅ Shed fat and get in amazing shape

✅ Heal from old injuries and setbacks

✅ Learn how to use peptides and other advanced agents

In fact, not only is it possible to make these changes, but it’s possible to do it A LOT faster than you probably think.

That’s the power of mentorship - having someone who’s further along in the journey than you are taking a hard, objective look at your situation and making recommendations based on their experience.

And you can tap into that power too…

But only if you’re willing to put your ego aside and take the plunge.

I’ll leave the decision up to you.


Hunter Williams

P.S. To all the folks who have submitted questions and/or video topics - THANK YOU!!!

I finally got around to making a video answering all these questions, which you can watch here👇

And don’t forget to submit video topic suggestions or questions using the link below: