[Video]: Testosterone > SSRIs?

How testosterone saved me from depression

Of all the “innovations” pushed on society by Big Pharma, I don’t think I can think of a worse one than selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

According to a 2023 poll, 29% of Americans have been diagnosed with depression in their lifetime…

And the “solution”?

Hand SSRIs out like candy:

1 in 8 Americans were taking an anti-depressant even PRIOR to COVID (that number shot up by 18 percent in 2020).

The problem?

It’s not just that they’re terrible for you, leach nutrients from your body, ravage sexual function, and restructure your brain chemistry (for the worse)...

It’s that they don’t even work that well for what they’re supposed to be doing.

Contrary to the lies that Big Pharma and your doctor have been selling you, there’s absolutely ZERO evidence that SSRIs correct a chemical imbalance in the brain.

None whatsoever.

But what if there were something you could take that did work?

Something that could potentially eradicate years worth of depression in a matter of weeks?

Something that not only didn’t have horrific side effects but ENHANCED every other area of your life?

Sound like something you’d like to hear more about?

Check out my new video on how therapeutic testosterone might just be the unlikely anti-depressant you’ve been looking for.

You can expect to learn ⬇️

✅ How testosterone heals depression in the brain

✅ How therapeutic testosterone could potentially resolve depression in just a few short weeks

✅ Why it’s just as critical for WOMEN as it is for men

✅ How testosterone makes hard work feel good 

✅ Why dopamine is MORE important to depression than serotonin

✅ Why exercise is so powerful for depression

✅ How testosterone helps you get things done

✅ My history of depression and traumatic brain injury (and how testosterone helped)

✅ Why you should always look to hormone deficiencies before “pharmaceutical deficiencies”

✅ A little about my upcoming book on testosterone

And much more.

Check out the video👇


Hunter Williams