Did I Waste My 20s?

Reflecting on my life before optimization

I never really bought into this cliched idea that your 20s are the best years of your life.

Every time I’ve heard that, it’s almost always been from an older man or woman whose body has fallen into decay and disrepair.

And since I’ve had the opportunity to dive 100% into optimization, I’ve also had the opportunity to be coached by older mentors in their 40s, 50s and beyond…

Mentors who are STILL absolute specimens.

All of that has me convinced that, as long as I keep following the path I’m on, my best years are yet to come 💪

With that said, while they may not be the best time of a person’s life, they’re certainly a unique time.

And that begs the question - did I WASTE mine?

Did I waste a good 10 years of my life?

For those of you who don’t know my back story, it looks something like this:

I spent the bulk of my 20s doing the standard bro protocol and living the standard bro lifestyle:

❌ Grinding myself into the dust with grueling workouts and not focusing on QUALITY movements

❌ Working myself to the bone and not even thinking about rest and recovery

❌ Ignoring my bloodwork and not “checking under the hood” to see what’s really going on

The result?

I looked fantastic…

But I felt like death.

❌ I’d wake up every morning feeling like I’d been hit by a dump truck

❌ My joints felt like they were on fire

❌ I had crippling brain fog and fatigue (how I was able to make a living as a real estate agent I have no idea)

❌ I spent most of my days walking around in a low-grade state of depression, staring at a black-and-white world that was devoid of all color and happiness

And the worst part?

All of this went on for YEARS.


Because I refused to ask for help.

I was too proud.

And I thought that if I just kept hammering away at it and doing it MY way that eventually I’d somehow get through it.

I didn’t…until I asked for help.

And then everything changed.

Within a few short months of working with my mentor Jay Campbell, I felt right as rain.

We’d figured out what my main problem was (in my case, a crippling testosterone deficiency).

That was the prime mover.

The main lever I needed to push to get everything working again.

Then once that fell into place we started tweaking all the other areas that needed tweaking.

And let me tell you, it was INCREDIBLE.

I literally felt like a completely different human…

And that night and day transformation left me wondering what the hell took me so long 🤷‍♂️

So, looking back at all of that in hindsight, what do I think?

Did I “waste” my 20s by not doing this sooner?

Look, as they always say, hindsight is 2020.

I learned A LOT by going through the suffering that I went through.

But there’s absolutely no question that if I somehow had a crystal ball back then, that I would have done things differently.

I would have gotten help much, MUCH sooner.

So, what about you?

Did this resonate with you?

Are YOU currently in a situation where you’re spinning your wheels and grinding with NOTHING to show for it?

And before you say anything, I know - a lot of you are not in your 20s anymore.

But that’s just the thing…

If you’re struggling with this, chances are you’ve been struggling A LOT longer than I did…

And you’ll probably keep struggling if something doesn’t change.

Think I might be the guy to help you change that?

Click HERE to learn more about my 1-1 health coaching.

And if that’s a little out of your price range, then consider joining the Fully Optimized Health community for group coaching.


Hunter Williams