Why Optimization Might Make You Feel WORSE

Stay the course

“Hunter, I took X peptide and can’t sleep!”

You’d be shocked at how often I get messages like this.

Or “Hunter, I took Y peptide, and my HRV scores are all over the place!”

Surprising, right?

Aren’t all of these peptides I recommend supposed to be healthful?

Shouldn’t they be IMPROVING metrics like HRV and sleep quality?

That is a very astute observation indeed…

Hence why I took the time to make an entire video about it 😁

You can check it out for the full breakdown, but here’s the gist…

This is a GOOD thing.

The fact that peptides are messing with metrics like HRV and sleep is, in fact, a sign that the peptides are doing what they’re supposed to.

It’s a sign that the peptides you’re taking have ramped up your metabolic rate and energy expenditure, disturbing your sleep…

Which is a good thing!

Sure, it might cause you some short-term discomfort (no one likes not being able to sleep properly).

But over time, as your body adjusts, you’ll quickly discover the issues start to subside.

And the benefits will start to shine 🤩

But as I was filming that video, I came to a realization:

This principle of “short-term pain for long-term gain” applies to so much of optimization.

Think about it…

If you’ve been treating your body poorly (to put it mildly) for decades, and you suddenly start treating it PROPERLY and giving it what it needs, doesn’t it make sense that there’s going to be an adjustment period?

Of course it does!

It’s a shock to the system.

It’s something your body is entirely unaccustomed to.

And it will take time for it to make the necessary adjustments.

Take therapeutic testosterone, for example.

While almost everyone who does it correctly (keyword) feels INFINITELY better in the long term, not everyone has this experience initially.

Yes, some lucky ducks out there feel AMAZING right out of the gate…

However, the majority require some tweaking to dial in their protocol.

Many of those folks find the first few weeks to be rough.

👎 Mood fluctuations

👎 Acne

👎 Sleep issues

👎 Anxiety and irritability

Many of them even tap out and quit.

👍 Stay the course

These changes are temporary.

See it through, work with your doctor to get your protocol dialed in, and see it through.

I promise you that you’ll feel AMAZING once you’re over the hump.

Want another example?

Take diet and exercise.

Again, a lot of people feel HORRENDOUS during their first few weeks of eating correctly and working out.

👎 Their sugar cravings are out of control.

👎 They’re irritable and cranky

👎 They’re constantly tired and sore

👎 They feel hungry all the time

👍 Again, stay the course

Your body is temporarily getting used to healthy food.

Your mind is adjusting to life without sugar as an emotional crutch.

Your whole system is getting used to being active again after…what, YEARS of not training properly?

Even something as essential as fixing your circadian rhythm and getting proper sleep can temporarily make you feel like crap.

Nobody likes getting up at 6:00 am and trying to get to bed early when they’ve spent their whole life sleeping late (or worse, getting up early during the week and crashing on the weekend as so many do).

The solution?

You guessed it.


And if you’re really having a hard time staying the course, join the number one optimization community on the internet for some exceptional help and support.

You’ll thank me a few months from now.


Hunter Williams