Will Incorrect Peptide Usage HARM You Permanently?

Putting your fears in perspective

Yesterday I dropped a fairly massive Q&A video on my YouTube channel.

For the most part the feedback was AWESOME!

Ever since I restarted my YouTube channel, I’ve been getting a ton of inquiries…

Mostly around peptides.

And like I said in yesterday’s email, the vast majority of the questions I received were fantastic.

Sure, there was the standard “basic bro” query which could have easily been answered with a quick Google search.

But for the most part, the questions were thoughtful, intelligent, and showed me the audience has actually put some effort into doing their own research.

But there’s something I noticed about some of the inquiries.

It’s not they were “bad” questions per se…

But some of them were coming from a place of fear.

Like whether or not you can use two peptides in one syringe.

Or whether or not IGF-1 LR3 increases organ size.

I mean, these are completely VALID questions.

But still, I get the distinct sense many people have anxiety around peptide use.

The sad fact is this - a lot of people are DEATHLY afraid they’re going to hurt themselves by using peptides and “making a mistake”.

The truth is this…

It’s REALLY hard to SERIOUSLY hurt yourself using peptides.

I’ve been using these agents for a long time.

Not only have I used them extensively with myself and my clients, I’ve seen plenty of other people use them as well.

And even though I’ve heard my fair share of wacky side effects…

I have NEVER seen somebody cause serious, permanent harm to themselves by using peptides.

Even the most bizarre, extreme peptide side effects pale in comparison to the side effects of:

  • Government jabs

  • Ibuprofen

  • Vaping weed

  • EMF radiation

  • Fluoride in the water

  • Glyphosate

But I get it. Most people fear the unknown.

So if you want to stay safe, here’s what to do:

✅ Use a clean needle and syringe

✅ Cycle your peptides

Not only does cycling peptides deal with the problem of receptor attenuation (i.e. your body “getting used” to them), it will mitigate any of the potential longterm issues of peptide use (like organ enlargement from IGF-1 LR3)

✅ Accurately measure your dose

This one should go without saying - make sure you know how much of these you’re taking at any one time

(Shameless plug — checkout Peptides Demystified for a RUTHLESSLY detailed and dummy proof guide to dosing)

✅ Source clean products

This is one of the reasons why I keep recommending Limitless Life Nootropics (use code hunter15 for 15% off).

They’re one of the only vendors in the game who meticulously and transparently third-party test their peptides for quality.

That’s it.

If you can do those 4 things, you’ll avoid 99% of the “dangers” associated with using peptides.


Hunter Williams