I just got cancelled

Well, this was not the email I planned to send today.

After having an amazing Christmas Day with my family, I woke up Tuesday of this week to the following email.

So after 4 years of work…

450+ videos…

500+ hours of video content…

And thousands of hours of blood, sweat, and tears...

YouTube decided to wipe my content off the face of the earth.

Apparently, the information I teach about taking control of your own health posed such a threat to the pharmaceutical industrial complex…

They had to perform a modern day book burning.

Mind you, not one of my videos contained a single curse word…

Nor a single slander of another individual…

Nor one foul word about the power structure of this planet.

My channel simply housed hundreds of videos of me talking into my camera with a positive message about how to take charge of your own health.

At first I was devastated…

But then I realized my information must have been strong enough to warrant attention from the negative factions who currently work to enslave humanity.

And the fact I got cancelled is a badge of honor.

Honestly, I’m still working to come up with a game plan about what to do next.

Thank GOD I started building an email list so I can notify you guys once I come up with a plan of attack.

Let this serve as a reminder to all of us how these platforms can wipe us out at any time.

And for people who create content - we MUST have a backup in case we get shut down.

I’ve got a few ideas about what to do going forward, but most likely I will be forbidden from ever talking about peptides and hormone optimization in the public sphere.

If you want access to my info on peptides and hormones, you will have to join the Fully Optimized Health group with Jay Campbell and I (link in the footer).

Otherwise, it looks like I will be relegated to creating normie content for public consumption.

I did appeal the deletion, but am not holding my breath.

In the meantime, stay tuned as I will be sending out another email soon with a poll for your advice on what direction I should go with my new channel.

Rest assured, I will be back.

And when I return…

It will be bigger, better, and stronger than ever.

I shot this video to give you guys an update on everything.

In the meantime, the only thing I ask for in support is for you to share my email opt in far and wide with people who will resonate with this material.

Creating communities of like-minded people is how we fight back against tyranny.

Forward this email to your friends and family and have them sign up for my emails by following the link below.

Wishing you a prosperous, abundant, and happy 2024. Let’s make it the best year ever!

