Is Low Testosterone Contagious?

Choose your friends wisely

Did you know that when women live together long enough, their menstrual cycles can sync up?

Yup, it’s true - look up “menstrual synchronicity.”

Despite all the allopathic lab coats trying to deny it and chalk it up to coincidence, this is a very common phenomenon.

A LOT of women have had this happen (or know someone this has happened to).

Now, we can speculate all day long as to why…

It could be pheromones, the lunar cycle, or any number of factors.

But the fact of the matter is that it does happen….

And in my opinion, something very similar is happening with men.

A few days ago, I put out an email about all how poor health is CONTAGIOUS 🦠

Like a virus that spreads from one host to another, poor health spreads from person to person.

There’s no way around it - spend enough time around a DEEPLY unhealthy group of people, and that poor health is bound to rub off on you.

Their habits and diets will rub off on you, and their standards (or lack thereof) will rub off on you.

Hence, you should do everything in your power to REMOVE yourself from this group ASAP.

Now, I know this is a tough decision for some of you.

I get it…

👎 You don’t WANT to ditch your friends.

👎 You don’t WANT to go through the trouble of finding a new job so you can rid yourself of your coworkers

👎 And I know for a fact that A LOT of you have tremendous guilt about putting distance between yourself and toxic extended family

So you make excuses.

You tell yourself that you can continue to be around these people…

You just need to be EXTRA careful with how you organize your life, right?


First of all, this is INCREDIBLY difficult, if not outright impossible.

Over 90% of all daily decisions are automatic and unconscious.

90% of our thoughts are repetitive and conditioned.

And ALL of this is deeply influenced by the people we spend most of our time around.

But I think it’s also impossible on a deep, hormonal level.

Look, I’ve been doing this for a long time.

Jay Campbell has been doing this for DECADES.

And at this point, we can tell just by looking at someone if they’re hormonally dysregulated.

And (surprise, surprise) these hormonally dysregulated people tend to cluster in social groups.



Even extended family members.

Again, I’m not going to speculate on the exact mechanisms here.

But there’s nothing far-fetched about it.

We already know that new fathers show SIGNIFICANTLY lower levels of testosterone than single men.

This isn’t even “woo-woo,” this is established science:

Our social environment has a PROFOUND impact on our hormonal levels.

And when YOUR environment is filled with low T males, there is no way it’s not going to rub off on you at some point.

The solution?

Well, first of all, stop being part of the problem and get hormonally optimized 🤦‍♂️

From there, you need to level up.

That’s why I recommend EVERYONE looking to improve their health join the Fully Optimized Health community.

As I said in my last email, we’ve got nearly 500 members.

And I can tell you that ALL the guys in there are either hormonally optimized or are on the path to getting there.

Yes, I know “online friends” aren’t the same as forming real-life connections.

But with FOH, we’re heading in that direction.

And many of the connections forming in our online community are making their way offline.

And with the incredible pace we’ve been growing at and all of the live events we’re adding every year, it’s only a matter of time before we all start linking up in person. 👊


Hunter Williams

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