Kindness Is King

We're all walking the same path

Over the last few days, I’ve been putting out emails all about the sad, sorry state of the world…

And why you MUST protect yourself from it.

First, it was the state of our society’s health and lifestyle habits.

Then, it was the state of our society’s hormonal levels (or lack thereof).

And in both cases, my conclusion is fairly simple:

Distance yourself.

Your friends, your coworkers, even certain family members…

If they’re not currently on the same path as you, it would behoove you to put space between them.


Because at all levels, poor health is CONTAGIOUS  ☠️

⚠️ Their poor diets will rub off on you

⚠️ Their sedentary lifestyle will rub off on you

⚠️ And believe it or not, even their depleted hormones will eventually rub off on you

And I get it - for many people, this is HARD.

Nobody likes letting go of people in their lives.

Nobody likes having to find a new job.

And nobody likes having to build a new social circle circle from scratch.

But as much as people cling to these failing relationships and try to justify staying in them, I’ve noticed something funny…

Certain people finally reach a point where enough is enough, and it’s like a switch flips.

They firmly, DECISIVELY decide to cut certain people out of their lives.

The problem?

They’re rude about it.

They get into optimization, find all this content, realize the absolute magic that’s possible, and charge into it full steam ahead.

Along the way, they end up being extremely unkind to the people around them—including their former friends.

So, when cutting ties, they give these people a big, long “unfriending speech.”

They actually go and tell their coworkers that the reason they’re leaving and finding a new job is because they can no longer tolerate being around such slobs.

Or they end up making snide remarks to their family members.

They become smug, arrogant snobs.

I mean, it’s easy to imagine, right?

Maybe when you read those last two emails, you were under the impression that this is what I was implying that you do.

I’m not.

Not at all.

Look, I appreciate the enthusiasm.

And I’m SO excited about this path you’re embarking on.

But the people in your life that you’re leaving behind are NOT “bad people” because they refuse to get optimized.

Are they less spiritually evolved and vibrating at a lower frequency?


But that doesn’t mean we get to judge and condemn them.

This is one of the great traps of spirituality that so many people fall into.


And it’s an understandable one.

But it’s flawed in many, many ways.

Look, your friends, coworkers, and family members?

They’re just on a different journey than you.

They’re on a different journey, and they’ve chosen to live their life differently than you.

And that’s ok.

The truth is this:

While they might be on a different journey than you, ALL of us are walking the same path.

All of us are here on this current plane of existence to evolve and grow our souls.

To experience “third density” and all it has to offer and to pass on those lessons.

We’re just moving at different speeds.

They’re moving slowly. You’re moving fast - and that’s ok.

So, just remember, as you start moving away from the people in your life, DO NOT do it from a place of anger, contempt, or superiority.

Do it from a place of love.

Love for yourself, love for your life, and love for the NEW people you’re going to meet.

And be sure to show a little kindness along the way.


Did that resonate with you?

Are you currently on your spiritual awakening?

Jay Campbell and I discuss this every week on our Living In Resonance Show, which is exclusively available within the Fully Optimized Health Community.

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